Hello Friday Night

Here we are again lying in bed under covers resenting the tiny bit of light getting past the curtain.  I can tell I’m especially depressed because I resent the extra daylight and I need it to rain.  I need it to rain all weekend.  Because it’s easier to get along with people when they are wet and grumpy and that infrequent misery bond makes me feel slightly okay at my job.

Dreading tomorrow’s pep talk about looking happy even when we’re not from someone so prickly that it is frequently remarked upon when she’s not around.  Even my reaction is routine; I’ll force a desperate “smile” to appease her and she’ll suspiciously ask what’s so funny?  I’ll maintain eye contact as my brain shouts truly nothing about this.  

2 thoughts on “Hello Friday Night

    • Sorry to hear about your lousy day too. They said next Friday. So frustrating when there’s no room for all the depression anywhere and then we’re told to try harder to seem less sad because it’s burdening others. Other people burden me all the time with their woes. I want the freedom to be able to exist and possibly thrive just as myself and then maybe some of this fog will lift naturally.

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