Seeking alternatives

Is there a lesbian grindr?  I used to look at grindr back in Brooklyn with some guy friends and even in the heart of an orthodox jewish community, they had a surprising array of options.

I did match for a year and got one date out of it.  I’ve been on okc for a year and haven’t had a date since fall and even the dates I did have last year never even led to a kiss.  Now things seem to be moving at a glacial pace or not at all.  People “like” me but don’t respond to messages.  People respond to messages and then fall off the face of the Earth.  And today I was feeling a bit rock bottom-y.  I subscribed to zoosk.  Nothing interesting has happened yet but we’ll see.

My dating life couldn’t be emptier and I can feel the bitterness permeating through everything else.  I’m frustrated.  People keep saying “it’ll happen” but nothing has happened yet and I don’t want two spend another 15 years hoping a relationship will happen only to be be feeling constantly helpless and let down.  Is this just one of those things in life that is unfair and most other people can’t accept how unfair it is so I just keep getting told “it’ll happen”.  I wish I had any sign of progress.  I don’t know what else to do.

“so one thing is…

…I’m having a hard time interviewing for this position because I can’t understand why anyone would want this job.  Can you tell me why you want this job?”

me: ::tumbleweeds; savings depletes; can’t make eye contact with career hungry roommate; I’m losing money on parking for this interview; fuck::

One year is really not long enough for this project (my life)

Towards the end of 2013 I saw a blog post that suggested writing down good moments as they happen throughout the year.  What an adorable idea.  I was really looking forward to measuring some of the progress and highlights of 2014 this totally sweet hipster pinterest way.  Every time I put a slip in, I thought of the glorious New Year’s day I’d open them up and look back on the memories. Oh man.  One year is not long enough to fix my life.  I thought all those first dates and stressful interviews would pay off (I’m still trying to unlearn the theory that hardwork guarantees success and other harmful fairy tales of my childhood). I thought all those ups and downs would be viewed by a future me that had attained either a job or a partner, or some temporary version of one.  Soooo here’s the adorable asshole jar:


Having a journal, a blog and hundreds of pictures wasn’t enough.  Here’s my year in scraps of neon paper!


And here’s the annotated data which probably a bit redundant to anyone that’s read my blog (anyone?).  Note: I left out the even more boring ones and the way too personal ones.  My year was not as bleak as this timeline suggests.  But….my blog, my filters, my edits, my narrative, my innocents to protect.

1/1 Made plans to go to New Year’s Party and followed through. Spent the countdown with friends. (Declined to return this year. What is the point of a party where you don’t know anyone, can’t hear anyone speak and don’t drink enough to dance.)

1/13 Joined okc maybe it’ll lead somewhere, maybe not

1/16 Asked in for an interview at (doesn’t matter anymore)

1/22 Went to job interview.  Did my best.

1/23 Taught valentine’s day card making class while uber-depressed. (These are the details I’m glad I wrote down, I would have never remembered that.)

1/29 Phone job interview, moved on to next round

1/30 Sent pic of self to ****. (It was what I considered to be naughty). Yay for trying new things. (It’s now available to anyone who sees my dating profile.)

2/1 Great date, cupcakes with *****(yeah…..she never responded)

2/3 Had a superb second interview! (never heard back)

3/6 Date w/ pretty girl. 2.5 hours at (ice cream shop, we had a second date and for whatever reason, I forgot to right down the date, never heard back).

4/4 Four cavities filled but no root canal.  Good times please come

5/4 Blown off by 3 dates 3 days in a row.  Didn’t smash bitchy bride’s skull. (Not typically something I’d even write down I must have been PISSED).

5/12 Unexpected phone interview with (some place that never got back to me).  Moved onto next round.

5/14 Interview with !@#$% (it was to volunteer, which I’m still doing.)

5/15 Amazing interview for dream job.  Maybe I won’t get this job but at least there’s dreams.

5/20 Sent in references. Basking in Possibility.  Dangerous hope.

6/2 Breakfast Date w/ (let’s be friends, do you want to sleep together? ugh).

6/6 turned 29. Birthday not bad.  Not as lonely. (Date cancelled on me that night and I happened to get sick and cancel all plans but seriously it was the best birthday I’d had in ages.)

6/9 Long Day.  Inventory + wedding invites.  Came home and had an amazing chat with $#$ :).  Maybe this is what it feels like?

6/19 Finally went on date with @#$.  Best date of my life so far.  If nothing else-that.

6/28 Dinner with %$#! 2nd date

This was about my mid year climax: I interviewed twice for an awesome job that seemed to be a real possibility and I had met somebody that I was super into.  Both fell through.

7/5 My head hurts.  I got my expectations up too fast.  Probably doesn’t belong here.  But nothing can distract me enough right now.

Pilgrimage (no not really):

7/8-7/24 Drove 3,000+ miles on a road trip.

8/14 First night at # #$%^^% street.  Moved, furniture constructed, basement painted.

8/16 Date w/ (lost touch).  Went very well.  She’s adorable!

9/14 Date w/ (lost touch).

9/19 Date with (talked to all summer about life and then never saw again after first meeting).

Slips on the dating and job front are entirely absent from this point on in the year because this is when the two collided.  That is a separate post because I’m still dealing with it.  But cautionary tale: if your boss pursues a semi flirtatious inappropriate relationship with you outside of work, they might not be the right person to trust to make a distinction between appropriate and inappropriate, professional and unprofessional, ethical and unethical…things you say to a friend and things you say to a lover. And, no matter how hard someone seems to want to know about your passions, only engage in a discussion about institutionalized racism if you can handle the potential wrath it incites.  And, in this case, burnt bridges between you and a job you had for 2.5 years.

Dear Juli*

Dear Juli*,

So much to say on here that can’t be said through g chat.  I know you are critical about some of your life choices but I’m glad you quit your job and moved to the big city to start your life.  Had you not, we probably would have never met just under a year ago on okc.  You sent me a link to your blog that alluded to some of our overlapping issues.  I was giddy.  I have spent so much of my life searching for someone to discuss these experiences with.  People assured me that there were others like me out there and maybe I’ve unknowingly crossed paths with them in the past.  But because people like us are pressured to suppress this aspect of ourselves in order to thrive, we don’t connect often enough.  I also appreciated that link you sent of the person falling on ice.  It was funny.

It is strange how you inadvertently thrust me into taking risks and give me confidence and practical advice while you are battling so many of the things you help me with. I thought it was bold that you had such an honest blog and so I tried to finally start my own.  You got me to open up about my social anxiety.  I enjoy talking about it with people now.  In a weird way, I feel like it gives me the upper hand in new situations.  If I am clear about who I am, it is up to other people to choose how to respond to me with that information.  It wasn’t until I got to know you better that I realized you were only starting to to acknowledge and confront some of these issues for the first time in your life.

I was surprised to learn that you actually don’t really talk about things like anxiety and compulsive thoughts.  I think I met you during a rebellious phase in which you were trying to address every single force that made you feel trapped for the first time in your life.  I’m glad we met while that window was open.  I’m impressed by the degree to which utilize dry humor with serious topics.  Remember that open mic night when you forgot everything you prepared to say and instead discussed trying to make the jump from bagger to cashier at a local grocery store as a teenager but you just couldn’t cut it because of the social anxiety that came with being a cashier?  That was brilliant and, for the most part, people laughed in the right places.  People don’t realize that when your brain is ultra wired to detect fear, it actually means you have to be brave all the time.

I wish that I could help you more than I can.  I once worked in a cubicle and spent 8 hours a day wishing one person in particular would call me or imagining conversations I might someday have with that person.  Sometimes they were angry conversations, sometimes they were happy conversations.  Mostly they were very different from the actual conversations I had with that person.  At night I would cry.  I wanted some release from those thoughts and I couldn’t even pause them to sleep.  I hated myself for being infatuated with someone that didn’t seem to care I was hurting.  I hated myself even more for not being able to change the running subject in my brain.  I think sometimes I would just stare straight ahead having imaginary conversations in plain sight of the world.

I recognize that pain when I talk to you sometimes.  I wish I could grant you some magic solution.  I’ve had people tell me that I am way too critical of myself.  I thought, I can’t be that critical of myself when I am objectively such a failure.  I found the attempts to point out what I had going for me to be sugar coated and condescending, a skewed version of reality.  I felt that if lying to myself was the only solution to my problems, my situation must be beyond help.  But now when I listen to you, I realize those other voices were right.

You are one of the most interesting people I have ever met.  You make the mundane into adventure, comedy and sometimes psycho thrillers.  You casually throw around phrases like trust house and croc factory call center.  You have written beautifully redundant poetry about landscaping.  You have spent so much energy trying to pass as ordinary and, I mean this endearingly, maybe give that up.  Ordinary people expend energy trying to be like you.  Trying to feel so intensely and identify some quality within themselves that makes them feel utterly distinct. You don’t even have tattoos.

I don’t know how someone that was so closeted and so isolated for so long could have accumulated such a tremendous amount of lingering ex-girlfriends.  I know you care about all of them in some way.  But I think you are sacrificing so much of your own self worth by communicating with people that won’t respect your needs.  I know you feel weak.  You want to be able to talk to them without feeling hurt.  But I think your reasoning is a bit off.  You can only become strong by accepting and treating your vulnerabilities.  That doesn’t mean you are succumbing to them.  It means you are conquering them head on.  I hate that so many of your interactions end up seeming to confirm your insecurities and that people that care about you don’t care about you enough to stop hurting you.

I really wish I could help you find relief but I’m struggling with that myself.  I have been to three therapists, two psychiatrists and one nurse/counselor and dated about 4 social workers in the past year.  Here is some of their collective wisdom: you can’t always get what you want; eventually you have to grow up; you sound so angry when you talk; tell me more about your childhood; sexual relations?; gay men have a much easier time networking in this town; I understand you wish to end our arrangement, here is your balance; and the work situation?; have you seen the show in treatment?; I used to be really shy and introverted too but I overcame it; I had a great time tonight, I’d love to hang out again sometime; even though we’re apart our hearts are holding hands; you deserve comfort in those moments; have you considered joining an opera club; have you considered being admitted to a hospital; if you don’t mind my asking, why have you never been in a relationship before; you’re wearing your name tag; you should really consider getting a dog; if you were trapped in quicksand, what would you do?; thank you for letting me know quicksand doesn’t actually exist.

If I think of any more, I’ll send it your way.  Thank you for being the only person who reads my blog and has met me in the flesh.  It means a lot to me that you willingly continue to do both. Thanks for suggesting I do this.

Your friend,

Kyl* from the internet

Still so bitter and confused (I think I just found a title for my memoir)

Why did she invite me over to her place after both of our three-hour dinners because she wanted to keep talking? Why did she text me a message with a smiley face right after I left her house the second time? Why did she say “we better make time to hang out” after I told her I was going away this week? Why did she ask if we could go kayaking and have a picnic? Why did she ask if we could continue as friends and then go on to answer my question as to how she was doing and mention she could get dinner on Sunday? Was I misreading EVERYTHING? Was there just more ambiguity than I’m thinking? Why did I not ask a few questions to clarify these things after she told me? Did I miss my window of opportunity for that and now have to just accept I’ll never know?

Was she just not into me and I misread things? Did she suddenly change her mind or realize there was someone else? Was I overwhelming her? Why do I feel so entitled to more information? Is this acting really entitled? I have so little perspective because I’ve never liked anyone I’ve dated this much, just a friend who I had no hope receiving love back from. I don’t talk about this stuff with my friends, family or therapist because none of them know how to make me feel better. My friends and family would only try to place blame on her and tell me to move on. My therapist would just try to get at my own feelings towards my feelings. Was I just getting my hopes up way too soon? I am so sick of being bitter. My friend has been in three relationships in the past year (albeit short ones). I haven’t made it to a third date with anyone. I thought this might lead to at least one night of intimacy. It was so nice to be able to be present around other people and not drift off into escapist thoughts. I was starting to understand why other people are not acting really sad and miserable all the time, why they might actually like hearing happy stories and talking about love and relationships (I actually didn’t know what it was like to hear about these things without massive dread, hence the bitterness). I feel like I have no one to confide in. I feel like I’m overreacting. It wasn’t serious. It was the most hope I’ve ever had. EVER. I just want some levity in my life. I want to have access to laughter again. It’s been ages since I’ve laughed for real. I kinda accepted that it was something I don’t do anymore. It’s been so long. I want some answers from this woman. But it’s such a slippery slope. Cause I want certain answers. If I liked someone genuinely but didn’t want to pursue a relationship, I’d probably send them an explanation and provide some closure. If I didn’t like someone, I’d work up the courage to message them briefly and then be relieved and immediately start trying to block them out. I can’t believe I let this happen. I really kept my hopes down until that kayaking and picnic question. I guess now I know better? Seriously, if you think I sound entitled let me know. I feel so upset with no place to seek answers or perspective. I just didn’t think I could find someone I have so much in common with and be attracted to ever on this Earth. Does this mean she finds them often enough that she can just let them come and go? Where did I fuck this up? Not that anyone fucked up. But then again, where did I fuck up? I wish I knew.

Job Searching

I have been waiting years for the release of the latest x men movie.  Three years ago my brother bought me dinner as a birthday gift and we saw x men.  It was a good memory.  I’m still thinking about it.  I bought tickets to the new one a week ago.  No word on potential job.  They asked for my references but never contacted them.  I’m supposed to find out tomorrow.  Usually I get rejected on Friday evenings.  I assume this is so people have the weekend to deal with the news.  Are they really going to inform me I didn’t get the job right before I see xmen and the night before I have the dreaded 10-6 Saturday shift.  Mother.  Fuckers.  They could have at least not gotten my references involved.  Now I have to thank the people that I haven’t spoken to since my last job rejection for at least agreeing and hoping they will still be relevant and around for the next one.  For some perspective, the last time I made it to references was summer 2012.  How do you generate something to look forward to when everything that’s supposed to be pleasant feels even worse because you have to remind yourself that it’s supposed to be something enjoyable.  Like normal people.  They have joy. I want some.

Another Sunday of it’s not getting any better, it’s actually getting worse

When I was seventeen, I had a habit of drinking until I blacked out.  My parents had to intervene on several occasions once dealing with the police and once with an ambulance.  Behind the scenes were usually two people: Ashley and Brian.  While Ashley was my friend, or, what I thought at the time, my soulmate, Brian was a freshman with a massive propensity for getting in trouble.  My friends hated him and seemed to do a better job of repelling him.  Brian latched on to me, often playing pranks on me that I never laughed at and then trying to redeem himself in ways that were even worse.  After getting gas one time, I returned to the car, grabbed a sip of water and immediately spit it out all over the wheel and and the dashboard.  Brian had filled my water bottle with vodka procured from his father’s collection.  His 9 year old brother was in the backseat and they were both cackling.  Each time he pushed me too far, he would lure me back by either stealing more of his dad’s liquor or showering me with designer perfumes stolen from the local mall.  I don’t know if rules exist because people like Brian don’t care about right and wrong or if people like Brian do things simply to break existing rules.  This morning I saw him turning his car onto my street as I was driving to work.  I knew it was going to be a bad day.

When I came out as a lesbian, I assumed things would get better.  That the love life I had been lacking all along would finally fall into place now that I had declared its preferred form.  I have always been a cynical person, but this was a narrative I had been duped into believing without question, just like I assumed my massive weight loss would mean I would suddenly be more valuable to the world.  But really nothing has changed.  The isolation continues to be my defining quality.  I see happy people coupled off, giggling, discussing the hassle of joining bank accounts and some of those people are queer and some are fat.  Whatever the reason I’m alone, those two qualities do not seem to be factors.  Whatever quality it is that keeps me single year after year, I cannot pinpoint it, overcome it, come out about it.  I endure it.  I say the world’s not fair so why should I expect anything from it? But I don’t feel any better, I feel worse.  Being alone for one’s whole life has its own set of stigma.  One woman I met online demanded to know, why have you never been in a relationship?  What was she missing?  Maybe she knows now.  Maybe that’s why we went from speaking all day through texts to not talking anymore after two dates. On dating sites, there’s a question asking would you ever date someone who’s never been in a relationship before?  It is reliably one of the questions that me and the potential match differ on.

Some people go through bouts of loneliness but I have only ever known this state and this lonely single life is self-perpetuating beyond my control.  It’s not a feeling I get between relationships or when my relationships start to feel inadequate.  It is a lifestyle and no one, friend or professional, seems to be able to help me out of it.  I have learned not be open about it to too many people, because many are quick to generate a list of things they believe are wrong with me.  When other people perceive you as a failure, they find the qualities to confirm why you are a failure that fit their understanding of the universe.  That way they can blame me for it and keep it away from themselves.  Wear makeup, put yourself out there, dress more femininely, shave your legs, find god, speak in a more enthusiastic voice, think more positively, have you heard of the law of attraction?  These are the forces that are hard enough to battle even when you are a success by at least some measures.

To say that I’m no longer present at work is a strong understatement.  I fidget with glitter for five or six hours by the door while staring at racks of handmade paper, wondering why my coworkers don’t like talking to me, whether I’ll ever have a normal life, why people consistently misinterpret what I say when I feel like I can read people’s thoughts.  Lately the fog has been worse.  I arrive and keep my hands busy.  By the end of my shift there is glitter everywhere and a bunch of cards I’ve torn up before anyone could see them.  I can no longer stomach making sweet cards for the same four of five occasions.  I actually don’t think I ever could.

Today I explained to a customer the different ways her daughter could make a book for a class report.  Pointing to our simplest kit, she said like this one but easier.  I tried to explain different methods and why they might be more challenging.  After a while, and after we closed, she said that’s it? That is everything you have?  I didn’t speak, I only smiled.  My daughter made an incredible book from one of these.  She followed a kit of instructions.  I have a shelf of handmade books.  A beautiful shelf and a testament to the intersection underemployed solitude, introversion and clinical depression.  My daughter’s also a brilliant poet.  It’s not enough to suck at my sales job, I have to agree with a rude woman that two of my passions that keep absolute despair at arms length have been mastered by an eight year old who talks to me with more authority than I talk to anyone.

A similar thing happened with the women looking create a recipe book. I showed them a book meant specifically for storing recipes, something I would never even assume existed and have no idea why anyone should expect us to carry.  That’s it?  A man asked for a birthday card specifically for daughters.  I showed him the one we had on the wall.  That’s it? That is very bad.  He didn’t mean the card, he meant the selection.  I smiled.  There’s a CVS across the street but no one seems to know that.

Being lonely has effectively thrust me back into the closet.  I don’t care to speak about my orientation as a hypothetical with people I barely know.  That was something I struggled to do with the people I knew best, with people who had passed out on me and revealed intimate secrets of their own escapades for years.  I leaned as close as I could to a friend on the steps of Union Square and asked how do you know if you like men or women, if you’ve never been with either?  He thought about it.  He talked in a clear conversational voice that I felt was indecently loud even surrounded by skateboarders and tourists and protesters and only a few blocks away from Stonewall.  I leaned in and told him I felt uncomfortable, like other people might be listening.  It was the first time I had ever talked about myself this way.  I don’t blame them he laughed, it’s a really interesting topic.

The last woman I was with five years ago, didn’t get my solitude either.  I just assumed you’d been with people before.  I had no reasons for her.  When I have no reasons, people just fill in their own.  I’m sick of explaining to people that I wore make-up for many years.  Brian had stolen me a very nice collection.  I’ve had make-up artists do me up before a night on the town but I hated the way I looked.  The people that think I look good in make-up have no concept of where the best me resides, but they don’t respect my self-awareness because I always seem to be at my worst self.  I even had a respectable purse collection and I gave it to the woman I was with five years ago.  I felt guilty for dumping her even though her bad habits for quickly becoming mine.  She had confirmed my suspected feeling, I did like having sex with women.

If I withhold information, it’s because I don’t want to be mistaken for something I’m not just because I’ve never found a stable identity. I’ve seen more of the world than I’ll admit to most people.  Unlike my coworkers who boast about their travels, those experiences are remarkable privileges to me, things that haven’t made me wiser or smarter or accomplished, just lucky.  I can’t stand the conversation that follows from when I was in Barcelonawhen I was in Barcelona, I was lonely and I ate tapas and admired its architecture but I avoided its crowds and I saw art but it also made me feel sad.  When I was in the old city in fez, I felt lost in a new way, I felt like an intruder in a specific way, and I felt lonely in a familiar way.  The smell of Greece was remarkably similar to the smell of my Greek friend’s family basement.  In Scotland, I blushed every time I ordered food because the waiter’s accent was such a turn on.

Some people know that I have always dreaded the thought of my own wedding, the few people I know forced to interact while I perform an intimate yet archaic act built on compulsory heterosexuality.  But I hope that one day I find someone I love, who loves me back, and is willing to try and spend the rest of her life connected to me.  What nobody knows is that I hope she wants a wedding badly because I’ll gladly go through the motions and, unlike the grooms I encounter, I won’t act hassled or disinterested or stressed beyond belief.  I’ll act excited and engaged and I’ll have opinions about what I prefer but I’ll let her make all the final decisions because its for her.  I hope that we’ll choose the slightly textured pale pink invitations because they’re beautiful and I don’t care if they are informal and I don’t care if they are feminine.  I want it to have my own wedding invitations to dote on so badly, I can’t even talk about that dream with other people.  Clinging to the hope of finding someone means the recurring disappointment and fear that it hasn’t happened and that it never might.

I have heard that Brian is no longer gay.  As much as I dislike him, I know that this means something in him has been defeated. His father, who had a constant cycle of foreign nanny girlfriends that were always a bit younger than I am now, couldn’t accept that his son is just that way.  His nine year old brother, who had met several of Brian’s boyfriends, once asked him, why does dad hate gay people? For a kid obsessed with owning a Mercedes, it was an unexpectedly innocent moment.  Brian couldn’t answer but he swore his brother to secrecy until he turned twenty-one.  Brian liked driving his dad’s jaguar and the promise of a trust fund.  I suspect he might be enjoying the house behind mine, a house his father bought years ago, even as I write this.

I have two dates coming up this week, neither of which seem very promising.  One is with a married woman in an open relationship with two kids.  I don’t see us picking out wedding invitations any time soon.  Another is with a woman who looks nice, but I get the impression she is more interested in local sports than discussing micro-agressions, gay shame and the merits of introverts.  The truth is, none of the people who are interested in the things I seem to like are responding to my thoughtful messages.  The last two people I was supposed to go on dates with flaked out on me, never to follow up.  Several people have started talking to me only to delete their profiles days later.  I’m desperate for contact.  I haven’t been on a date in months.  I haven’t even kissed somebody, much less explored their body in five years, since that one woman.  I am not as idle as other people seem to assume but I’m not ready to talk about how painful this all is with people I barely know.  I don’t feel I’m even moving forward.  Just retaining hope and being met with rejection and disappointment, friends who don’t know what to say and people that are less than friends feeling free to scrutinize.  I just don’t know.

Years of mentally ill saturdays

Isn’t it strange how there’s so many people out there trying to channel pain and emulate a tortured soul but really they are out there connecting with others in the most normal ways and it’s often charged with so much glamorization of mental illness and its relationship with artistic expression and you catch glimpses of these subcultures of people thinking they are entirely subversive because that’s basically their goal in life and they wear really ‘subversive styles’ on their conventionally attractive bodies and you want to be like how many years of Saturdays have you spent in bed?  This isn’t a sexy story and your shitty imitation is distorting everyone’s understanding of what’s going on and what can can be done to help.

I think about this a lot because I work with a team of artists who treat me one of two ways: like I’m an extremely simple child that needs to be talked to slowly; or, like I’m an enigma who is entirely removed from reality but they have no interest in unlocking.  And then I think, you people are artists, you want to build careers out of your ability to do something different!  You tell me to think outside the box every single day.  I’m orbiting beyond your knowledge of the parameters of human thought and behavior.  I am too busy trying to figure out where the box is to dance comfortably at its edges without reaching the territory of total alienation.  And this is the perspective that follows from a lifetime of having no weekend plans and trying not to let anyone find out.  And you have no interest in anything I have to say or the way that I live or why I fashion myself this way.  You want to benefit from the rich legacy of self expression left by the mentally ill. You want to pretend you’re a part of it.  You want the real thing to remain as far away from you as possible.

Hello Friday Night

Here we are again lying in bed under covers resenting the tiny bit of light getting past the curtain.  I can tell I’m especially depressed because I resent the extra daylight and I need it to rain.  I need it to rain all weekend.  Because it’s easier to get along with people when they are wet and grumpy and that infrequent misery bond makes me feel slightly okay at my job.

Dreading tomorrow’s pep talk about looking happy even when we’re not from someone so prickly that it is frequently remarked upon when she’s not around.  Even my reaction is routine; I’ll force a desperate “smile” to appease her and she’ll suspiciously ask what’s so funny?  I’ll maintain eye contact as my brain shouts truly nothing about this.  

Introverted job interview

I have an interview tomorrow.  I have to meet with a group of people who are going to be deciding if I am good fit for their team based on a brief encounter.  I am fine with telling people about my past experience and why I want the job and asking formal questions.  I really do not even mind selling myself because, honestly, I have a lot to give.  What freaks me out are the on-the-fly conversational moments.  I always freeze and run out of things to say.  This makes it harder to convince potential employers that I am adaptable and good at getting along with people.  Making it worse is that fact that I am in a bit of a hole at the moment, having been underemployed and living with my parents for two years and not having many people or experiences in my life to help me relate to ‘normal’ people.  All of this would be fine except I feel like I have to create a persona that hides my depression, my lifestyle and my introversion on top of selling myself.  The truth is, this job is a great match for me.  It appeals to me because of many of the passions I have that are linked to my introversion.   But I feel like everything about myself that comes across in person and not on paper is an immediate red flag to employers.  Even if I get the job, I’ll worry about how long it will be before they realize I’m a shy introverted loner (which still makes me feel like I lied to get my current job).  Where I am now, the only important important quality is really the ability to perform small talk.  My manager has no real related experience but is able to strike up conversations with door knobs.  I’ve seen her charm people for an hour as she waits for employees that actually know what they are talking about to become available.  Even as I help people with something better than she can, I sense that they prefer interacting with her while I do the tough stuff.  I accept the fact that introversion is part of who I am and I love that about myself.  I wish I could be upfront about it without feeling like I’m shooting myself in the foot.  Really, it’s having to hide such a major part of my personality that causes the social anxiety.  Other people then conflate anxiety, nerves and fear with my introverted qualities leading to the misguided prevailing belief that I should be able to overcome them together, as though ‘being myself’ means freeing a hidden extrovert within in me and not merely learning to overcome the stigma that accompanies introversion.  I feel defeated and deceptive before I’ve even started.