Seeking alternatives

Is there a lesbian grindr?  I used to look at grindr back in Brooklyn with some guy friends and even in the heart of an orthodox jewish community, they had a surprising array of options.

I did match for a year and got one date out of it.  I’ve been on okc for a year and haven’t had a date since fall and even the dates I did have last year never even led to a kiss.  Now things seem to be moving at a glacial pace or not at all.  People “like” me but don’t respond to messages.  People respond to messages and then fall off the face of the Earth.  And today I was feeling a bit rock bottom-y.  I subscribed to zoosk.  Nothing interesting has happened yet but we’ll see.

My dating life couldn’t be emptier and I can feel the bitterness permeating through everything else.  I’m frustrated.  People keep saying “it’ll happen” but nothing has happened yet and I don’t want two spend another 15 years hoping a relationship will happen only to be be feeling constantly helpless and let down.  Is this just one of those things in life that is unfair and most other people can’t accept how unfair it is so I just keep getting told “it’ll happen”.  I wish I had any sign of progress.  I don’t know what else to do.